
Our directory lists people and organisations engaged in sustainable rural development in Europe through different paths: concrete projects and practices, formulation of policies, network coordination, resource centre, training, media etc. They might range from local to European level.
- Éco-anthropologie et Ethnobiologie
- Ökologisch Wirtschaften! e.V.
- Ökospeicher e.V.
- Österreichische Gesellschaft für Umwelt und Technik (ÖGUT)
- études ET chantiers
- “Women for Development” NGO
- ► ÖAR GmbH
- ► Altekio
- ► Ascolto Attivo
- ► Associazione Italiana per la Partecipazione Pubblica (aip2)
- ► European Association for Local Democracy (ALDA)
- ► FAO - Family Farming Knowledge Platform
- ► Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS)
- ► Intangible Cultural Heritage - UNESCO
- ► Intangible Search
- ► My croworking
- ► Participedia
- ► Regenesis- Institute for regenerative practice
- ► The Change Agency
- ►BuonAbitare
- ►Slovak rural Parliament (VIPA)
- ABCD Innovation Center
- Access to Land Network
- Action with Communities in Rural England (ACRE)
- Agricultural and Rural Convention 2020 (ARC 2020)
- Agriturismo Fighezia
- Agroecology Greece
- Albanian Rural Development Network (ARDN)
- Alternative community « Peliti »
- Anthropolinks
- Arbre & Paysage 32 - (Tree and Landscape)
- Ardelaine
- Associação para o Desenvolvimento da Raia Centro - Sul (ADRACES)
- Association de formation et d’information pour les paysans et les ruraux (AFIPAR)
- Association for Natural Medicine in Europe e.V. (ANME)
- Association for Rural Development in Mountain Areas in Romania (ROMONTANA)
- Association Océanides
- Association of Ecotourism in Romania (AER)
- Association of Rural Advisory Centres (SLF)
- Association Rural Development for Future Georgia
- Association VIVA SOL
- Associations for Collective Training on Management (InterAfocg)
- Austrian Rural Network - Netzwerk Zukunftsraum Land
- Balkan Association for Alternative Tourism (BALKANIA)
- Balkan Rural Development Network (BRDN)
- Bergerie de Villarceaux
- Bergwaldprojekt e.V.
- Biebrza National Park / Biebrzański Park Narodowy
- Brittany Environmental Education Network (REEB)
- Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation (BBF)
- Business Incubator-Gotse Delchev - Entrepreneurship Promotion Centre
- Butterfly Conservation
- Camera arbitrale nazionale e internazionale di Milano
- Campaign for the Protection of Rural England (CPRE)
- Carpathian Foundation-Hungary
- CEEweb for Biodiversity
- Ceinture aliment-terre liégeoise (CATL)
- Center for Sustainable Development and Cooperation (ALKA)
- Central and Eastern Citizen network
- Centre d’Etude et de Découverte du Patrimoine du Périgord-Limousin du Périgord Limousin (CPIE du Périgord Limousin)
- Centre for Agriculture and Environment (CLM)
- Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT)
- Centre For Transdiciplinary Development Studies (Univ. Tras-os-Montes) (CETRAD)
- CeProSARD - Macedonian Center for Promotion of Sustainable Agricultural Practices and Rural Development
- Citizens for Europe
- Citizens Lab
- CIVITAS Foundation for Civil Society
- Civitas Georgica
- Coed Cymru (Welsh Woodlands)
- Commission Internationale pour la Protection des Alpes (CIPRA)
- Committee of studies and links of agricultural and rural associations (CELAVAR)
- Communauté d’études pour l’aménagement du territoire (CEAT)
- Communauté de Communes Frasne-Drugeon
- Community Safety and Mediation Center (CMSC)
- Connecting Natural Values and People Foundation (CNVP)
- Consortium of Gallecs Natural Park / Consorci del Parc d’Espai Natural de Gallecs
- Cooperativa Agricoltura Nuova
- CPIE Savoie Vivante
- Croatian National Rural Network - Mreža za ruralni razvoj
- Croatian Rural Development Network / Hrvatska Mreža za Ruralni Razvoj (HMMR)
- Cultivate
- Czech National Rural Network - Celostatni siti pro venkov
- Danish Rural Network - Landdistriktsnetværk.
- Der Buschberghof
- Development Agency of Karditsa (ANKA)
- Development Principles
- Devon Hedge Group
- Earth Trust
- Eco ruralis
- Ecological Institute Veronica
- Ecological Movement of Moldova (MEM)
- Ecological-Cultural Association / Stowarzyszenie Ekologiczno – Kulturalne (ZIARNO)
- Ecovillage Los Portales
- EKOIBAR - Eco Movement Ibar
- EKOTREND Slovakia
- Environmental Association « Etna » / Stowarzyszenie Ekologiczne Etna / (ETNA)
- Environmental Mediation & Participation (COMEDIE)
- Environmental Partnership Association (EPA)
- Estonian Fund for Nature (ELF)
- Estonian Rural Network - Maaeluvõrgustik
- Etnoecology Laboratory - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
- Euracademy Association
- EURONATUR stiftung
- Europarc Federation (Europarc)
- European Association for Information on Local Development (AEIDL)
- European Conservation Action Network (EuCAN)
- European Coordination VIA CAMPESINA
- European Council for the Village and Small Town (ECOVAST)
- European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism (EFNCP)
- European LEADER Association for Rural Development (ELARD)
- European multisectoral association for co-operation and development of mountain territories (Euromontana)
- European network for community-led initiatives on climate change and sustainability (ECOLISE)
- European Network for Rural Development (ENRD)
- European Rural Community Association (ERCA)
- Federation of Conservatories of natural spaces
- Federation of Regional Natural Parks of France
- Federazione Italiana Parchi e Riserve Naturali
- Flemish Rural Network - Vlaams Ruraal Netwerk
- Fondul de Inovatii sociale (FISM)
- Forests and the European Union Resource Network (FERN)
- Forum Synergies
- Foula Heritage
- Foundation for the Quality of Life (Életminőségért Alapítvány - Erdély)
- Foundation for the Sustainable Development of Mountain Regions (FDDM)
- French Agroforestry Association (AFAF)
- French Rural Network
- Fundación entretantos
- Fundación Monte Mediterráneo
- Fundatia ADEPT
- Future farmers in the spotlight
- Future Farmers Movement
- GABB 32, Organic and Biodynamic farmers from Gers (GABB 32)
- GAL Meridaunia
- Genetic Resources Action INternational (GRAIN)
- Georgian Rural Council
- German Rural Network - Netzwerk Ländliche Räume
- Global Ecovillage Network - Europe (GEN-Europe)
- Global Nature Fund (GNF)
- Greek Rural Network
- Grigri Projects
- Groupe d’études et de services pour l’économie des ressources (GEYSER)
- Groupe de Bruges
- Gut Wulfsdorf
- Gut Wulksfelde
- Hela Sverige - Rural Sweden
- Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung / Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development
- hofgründer
- Hungarian Association for Land and People (Táj és Ember NKTKE)
- Hungarian Rural Network - Magyar Nemzeti Vidéki Hálózat (MNVH)
- Icelandic Village Association - Landsbyggdin Lifi
- IEB Traditional Ecological Knowledge Research Group / ÖBI - Hagyományos ökológiai tudás kutatócsoport
- Iliosporoi
- Imprve the Governance of Land, Water and Natural Resources (AGTER)
- In Loco
- Indigenous and Community Conserved Areas (ICCA Consortium)
- Innovative Centres for the Valorisation of Farming and Rural areas (CIVAM network)
- Institut de la concertation
- Institute for Nature Conservation of Voivodina Province (INCVP)
- Institute for Policy Research and Good Governance
- Institute for Sustainable Development and Holistic Solutions (InTeRCeR)
- Institute for Territorial Economic Development (InTER)
- International Coalition to Protect Polish Countryside (ICPPC)
- International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM)
- International Model Forest Network (IMFN)
- International Movement of Catholic Agricultural and Rural Youth (MIJARC)
- International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems (IPES Food)
- Irish Rural Link
- Italian Association for Public Participation / L’Associazione Italiana per la Partecipazione Pubblica (aip2)
- Italian Rural Network - Rete Rurale Nazionale
- Kulturland eG
- La Cosecha
- LAG Puszcza Knyszynska
- Lake Võrtsjärv Foundation (LVF)
- Land & Co
- Landcare Association Wendland-Elbetal / Landschaftspflegeverband Wendland-Elbetal e. V.
- Latvian National Rural Network - Laukus tikls
- Latvian Rural Forum - Latvijas Lauku forum (LRF)
- LEADER-forum Österreich
- Les ateliers RENOVA
- Les petits producteurs
- Liga LYVS (Youth League volunteer work)
- Lithuanian Rural Communities Union - Lietuvos Kaimo Bendruomeniu Sajunga
- Lithuanian Rural Network - Lietuvos Kaimo Tinklas
- Local and Indigenous Knowledge Systems (LINKS)
- Logarska dolina / SOLČAVA DISTRICT
- Magazine « Food Sovereignty., Biodiversity and Cultures » / Soberanía Alimentaria, Biodiversidad y Culturas
- Mas de Noguera
- Masticulture
- Mission of People of Good Will
- mOntanyanes
- Mourne Heritage Trust
- Mouvement inter-régional des AMAP (MIRAMAP)
- Nadace Partnerstvi / Environmental Partnership
- NASA SUMA - Association of Forest Owners
- National Association for AONBs (Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty)
- National Forest Company (NFC)
- National LEADER network - Národní síť Místních Akčních Skupin
- National Network of Test-farming Areas (RENETA)
- National Rural Network Ireland
- Natural England
- Naturum Göhrde / Göhrde forest museum
- Netherlands Rural Network - Netwerk Platteland
- Network for forestry alternatives (RAF)
- Network of Experimentation and Connection of Initiatives in Rural Areas (RELIER)
- Netzwerk Existenzgründung in der Landwirtschaft (NEL)
- Obelisk farm
- Observatorio Internacional de Ciudadanía y Medioambiente Sostenible (CIMAS)
- Organic Research Center
- OURganic Gardens
- Partnership for Rural Europe (PREPARE)
- Peak District Farm Holidays
- Pembrokeshire Local Action Network for Enterprise and Development (PLANED)
- Peri Urban Regions Platform Europe (PURPLE)
- Pesticide Action Network (PAN Europe)
- Plataforma de Custodia del Territorio (Platform for Land Stewardship)
- Pogany Havas microregion association
- Poland National Rural Network - Krajowa Sieć Obszarów Wiejskich
- Polish Rural Forum - Forum Aktywizacji Obszarów Wiejskich (FAOW)
- Portuguese Association for Local Development - Associação Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento Local (ANIMAR)
- Portuguese federation of local development associations - Federaçao Portuguesa de Associaçoes de Desenvolvimento Local) (Minha terra)
- Portuguese Rural Network - Rede Rural Nacional
- PPP association Sernikon
- Prosilva France
- Réseau - Echange - Développement Durable (REDD)
- Regional Centre for Forestry and Rural Development (REFORD)
- Regional Rural Development Standing Working Group of South Eastern Europe (SWG)
- Regionalne Towarzystwo Rolno-Przemysłowe « Dolina Strugu » (Dolina Strugu)
- Regionalwert AG (RWAG)
- Rural Development Foundation / Fundacja Wspomagania Wsi (FWW)
- Rural Development National Network of Romania - Reteaua Nationala de Dezvoltare Rurala (RNDR)
- Rural Development Network in BiH
- Rural Development Network of the Republic of Macedonia
- Rural Development Programme for England Network
- Rural Development Spanish Network - Red Española de Desarrollo Rural (REDR)
- Rural Foundation of Wallonia (FRW)
- Rural Network North Ireland
- Rural Network of Finland - Maaseutuverkosto
- Rural organisation of community activities / Vidiecka Organizácia pre Komunitné Aktivity (VOKA)
- Rural Youth Europe (RYE)
- Rurality Environment Development (RED)
- Saida Farm
- Savoirs de Terroirs - Knowledge of the Land
- Schmiedthof
- Scotland National Rural Network
- Scottish Rural Action
- Slovakian Rural Network - Národná sieť rozvoja vidieka (NSRV)
- Slovenian National Rural Network - Mreža za podeželje
- Slovenian Rural Development Network - Društva za Razvoj Slovenskega Podeželja
- Slow Food
- Slow Food Youth Network (SFYN)
- Small Woods Association
- Society for Territorial and Environmental Prosperity (STEP)
- Society for the protection of nature and ecodevelopment (EPO)
- Society of bird research and nature protection (DPPVN)
- Soil Association
- Solidarity Fund PL in Moldova
- Spanish National Rural Network - Red Rural Nacional (RRN)
- Spanish Society for Organic Farming & Agroecology/ Sociedad Española de Agro-ecología (SEAE)
- Stichting Boerengroep (Peasant Foundation)
- SUSTAIN, the alliance for better food and farming
- Swedish Federation of Rural Economy and Agricultural Societies
- Swedish National Rural Network - Landsbygdsnätverket
- Syndicat Inter-Massifs pour la Production et L’Economie des Simples (SIMPLES)
- Tablehurst and Plaw Hatch Community Farms
- Terre de Liens
- Terre en vue
- Terre et Cité - Pays de Saclay
- the Estonian Village Movement (Kodukant)
- The Organic Centre
- The Woodland Trust
- THOR Zentrum for Health Care and Traditional Western Methods
- Toekomstboeren - Farmers for the future
- TP Organics
- Traditional European Healing (TEH)
- Transnational Institute (TNI)
- TransRural Initiatives (TRI)
- Triglav National Parc
- Trust for Oxfordshire’s Environment
- Union nationale des Centres Permanents d’Initiatives pour l’Environnement (UNCPIE)
- Upmali Farm
- Urban - Rural Network: Generating new forms of Exchange between CItizens (URGENCI)
- Verdon Regional Natural Park
- Village Action Association of Finland (SYTY)
- Wales Rural Network
- Walloon Rural Network
- Warmonderhof
- Wervel Group
- WWF Hungary
- Zemlja in Morje (land and sea)
- Zukunftsstiftung Landwirtschaft (Foundation for future farming)