Agroecology Greece
Rural topic(s): Agroecology and agroforestry
City: Heraklion
Country: Greece
Web site: http://www.agroecology.gr/inEnglish.html
The Agroecological Network of Greece (Agroecology Greece) consists a network and a platform aiming to promote Agroecology as a science, practice and movement in Greece.
Its purpose is to network agricultural scientists/trainers in order to exchange information, knowledge & research that will familiarize the principles and framework of agroecology in Greece and promote the transition of food production systems towards a sustainable form, integrating food sovereignty and security.
Scale of intervention : National
Keywords: agroecology, food production
Places: Greece
Actors: trainer, farmer, researcher/academic
Methods: networking, training/capacity-building, research and training