
Actors and organisations
- advocacy NGO (2)
- animation and rural development organisation (35)
- association (207)
- breeder (2)
- citizen (32)
- citizen shareholder corporation (3)
- civil society (7)
- community land trust (CLT) (9)
- community organization (4)
- company (11)
- consultant/expert (16)
- consumer (19)
- consumers’ association (1)
- contractor (3)
- cooperative (15)
- countrymen’s organization (3)
- CSA (Community Supported agriculture) (6)
- development NGO (1)
- donor agency (1)
- ecovillage (3)
- elected representative (3)
- environmentalist (11)
- farm (26)
- farmer (53)
- farmer (32)
- farmer-harvester (5)
- fishermen’s organization (1)
- forest owner (31)
- fundation (21)
- group / platform (15)
- hunters (5)
- immigré (2)
- inhabitant association (10)
- inhabitants (36)
- international organization (IO) (1)
- local authority (17)
- local community (21)
- local government (5)
- media (1)
- mediator (2)
- micro enterprise (3)
- multi-stakeholders (37)
- municipality (19)
- natural parc (national, regional, biosphere) (13)
- network for the exchange of experience (28)
- network, platform, forum (55)
- NGO (66)
- non-departmental public body (8)
- official rural development network or structure (33)
- physician (1)
- practionners / managers (9)
- press (2)
- private ownership (2)
- private sector (21)
- producer (14)
- producer’s association (9)
- professional association (2)
- public administration (10)
- public sector (4)
- real estate (2)
- refugee (2)
- Region (3)
- research institute/center (19)
- researcher/academic (33)
- rural estate (4)
- rural population (28)
- self-governing social enterprise (cooperative) (13)
- small-scale farmer (10)
- social actor (8)
- social enterprise (4)
- social movements (3)
- stakeholders (11)
- State (1)
- teacher (2)
- tourism sector (2)
- trade union (1)
- tradesman (1)
- trainer (2)
- training and visitor centre (12)
- training institute/center (3)
- union of associations (12)
- university (1)
- volunteers (18)
- women’s organization (3)
- young person (13)