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Forum Synergie

Linking sustainable practices throughout Europe

Rural Europe Takes Action

Rural Europe Takes Action - no more business as usual
This book is a game changer. No more business as usual accepted. We have our heads in the clouds and our feet firmly on the ground. Join action-takers around Europe as we embrace the change!

We invite you to travel 30 years in time, back and forth. We offer snapshots and
imaginings of how rural Europe is responding and will respond to the serious challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss and a new war. And we set policy
milestones for a new fundament of rural policies of the future.
We have gathered a dazzling mosaic of innovative and resilient practices across 25
countries to imagine a larger and a more open Europe. Crystallising from those practices a spectrum of policy action proposals, we present to you the ’Unwritten Regulation on an Integrated European Rural, Agricultural and Food Policy’. In the
Future of Rural Europe, we see the space for this regulation well before 2030.

BOOK LAUNCH on June, 6th 2022, 16:00 - 18:00

Book Launch on the future of Rural Europe with Special Guests
A hybrid event live from the European Parliament. Interpretation available in English and French. In-person participation for MEPs and EP staff.
To register for online participation, please contact Simone Matouch first at forum-synergies@a1.net

eVERSION Rural Europe Takes Action

pdf version Rural Europe Takes Action
