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Forum Synergie

Linking sustainable practices throughout Europe

Short Food Supply Chains and Local Food Systems in the EU.

A State of Play of their Socio-Economic Characteristics.

Rural topic(s): Local food Chains

Type: scientific paper

Date of publication: January 1, 2013

Author(s) of the document: Moya Kneafsey and al.


The present study aims at describing the state-of-play of short food supply chains and local food systems (throughout the report ‘SFSC’ and ‘LFS’ respectively) in the European Union and reflecting on the policy tools to address them, in particular on the introduction of a common EU labelling scheme for farm produce.

Among other literraturer, it includes a compilation of available data on 84 illustrative cases of different types of SFSCs throughout Europe and a more in depth study of three case studies and their national / regional contexts in Austria, France and Hungary.



Places: Europe