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Forum Synergie

Linking sustainable practices throughout Europe

Promoting the settlement of young people in rural areas with demographic problems

Rural topic(s): Attracting new inhabitants in rural areas

Type: Réflexions de membres du FS ou d’autres acteurs locaux

Date of writing: May 6, 2009

Author(s) of the proposal: Marcelino Herrero


Despite rural development policies in past decades, the loss or stagnation of population remains one of the main problems of many rural areas in Europe. The absence of balanced social groups makes difficult to develop a territory and limits its future. It is essential to promote the attractiveness of rural areas to young people in order to keep a living countryside.


See the full text of the proposal in French Promouvoir l’installation et le maintien des jeunes dans les territoires ruraux souffrant de problèmes démographiques


Marcelino Herrero - Member of Mas de Noguera (Spain), cooperative and agro-environmental education center.


Keywords: attracting new residents, rural depopulation, territorial attractivity

Places: Spain